Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 7


We mentioned that after going to the Knossos Museum (which I fixed the video for - go back to the last blog post to watch the newly uploaded video) we were going to go out for dinner; we did, and we went to this restaurant, called "50-50", which was recommended to us by the couple from California.  It was amazing food - really good food - and funny enough, we bumped into Tomas and Heidi (the Californians) there and ate and drank Raki (a Cretan hard liquor) with them until 11:30pm or so.  It was nice to meet people from the same continent as us, as there really are not many North Americans here; it is mostly Russians and Germans.

In the morning we caught the 8:30am bus to Chania, which arrived around 11:30am.  We checked in, had a little nap, and then made our way to the Old City of Chania, and down to the major touristy area, the inner harbour.  We spent some time walking around the city, stopping to grab some lunch, and then walked out on the sea wall, towards the lighthouse.  We stopped about 1/4 of the way to just sit and watch the waves roll in, and after a half hour or so determined our legs were being sun burned, so we left to get ready for dinner.

The Californians also recommended to us a restaurant in Chania, called "Tamam", so we checked it out, as we so impressed with their last suggestion.  We ordered the Giant Baked Beans (which are a Lima bean in a buttery, garlic, dill sauce) and the Lamb in a tomato aubergine sauce...both were AMAZING!  Such a good meal...I hope we can find a similar recipe at home.

It was then early to bed, after watching half of "Bridge to Terabithia", to get ready for our 5:15am wake-up the next day, and a 16km hike through the Samarian Gorge.

1 comment:

  1. I would be happy to taste test your Giant Baked Beans and Lamb when you try to replicate it at home here :) Sounds good!
