Saturday, July 13, 2013

...and GO!

So, this photo isn't great, but neither is sitting in the Prince George Airport at 4:45am, with an empty stomach because Tim Horton's wasn't open at 4:30...

Anyways, the reason we're sitting in the airport IS a great thing, which is that we are on our way to Greece for 4 weeks!  We had a hectic day yesterday trying to prepare for everything, but we did it...mind you I didn't get to bed until midnight, but that is OK...I have plenty of time over the next 18 hours of flying and layovers to catch up.

Bella has been dropped off at Stofer Dog Adventure Camp, which we know she is looking forward to.  She has a few friends out at the lake which will keep her pre-occupied and not focused on us being gone for 4 weeks, so we are thankful for that.  We highly recommend the service at Stofer's, so if you need someone to care for your pet for an extended periods of time give Mark and Carol a call and ask for the son-in-law special; it includes free pickup of your dog and complementary bathing in the event your pet rolls in something dead or smelly.


  1. ha ha ... Stofer Dog Adventure Camp!

  2. That's a good one - the dog camp. Maybe it could turn into a sideline income.

    1. That's what we think...some proper marketing and a business license and their children would be out of money in no time ;) Thanks Mark and Carol!
