Monday, July 15, 2013

A Long Day

After we finished our Day 2 blog we went back to the hotel, had a nap, and got ready to head out for a later dinner.  We walked back to the Plaka and found a nice little restaurant and had some really good lamb and orzo dish...I can't remember the name, but it was good!  Of course dinner would not be complete without some ice cream, so I indulged :)  Lindsay and I have an agreement - she gets wine with dinner, and I get dessert...I guess one of us will put on a few more pounds than the other!

We then went for a short stroll to the base of the Acropolis and took a few pictures. They have large lights illuminating it from the base, so it is just beautiful.

The next day we woke up around 6:30 and rented our car, after lugging our suitcases back to around Hadrian's Arch (about 20 minutes from the hotel) and hit the road.  We took the winding road (the REALLY winding road!) to Delphi, and after settling our stomachs for a while, we enjoyed the museum and strolling the site, (we are VERY glad we weren't sitting on a tour bus for this drive).

Delphi was essentially dedicated to Apollo, so the main feature at the time, about 2500 year ago, would have been Apollo's temple.  There is not much remaining now, but you can see the view is amazing, as it overlooks a large valley filled with olive and Cyprus trees.

We also walked to the very top of the site and saw the stadium that was built for Pythian and Panhellenic Games, also around the same period.  You used to be able to walk out on the track and even place your feet in the ancient starting blocks, but those were roped off.  On the way down we stopped and grabbed a photo overlooking the entire site and the valley...very beautiful.

From Delphi we drove another 3 hours to Kalambaka, the city site of Meteora.  The drive was so gross with winding roads and going up and down hills that both of us had to take gravol.  Thankfully we arrived safely, and we were able to relax, go get some dinner, and head to bed early.

1 comment:

  1. It all sounds wonderful! Thank you for sharing, keep safe and well. Love Mom
